What have been your experiences of political disasters?
You will be expected to provide well-informed, insightful, evidence-based answers to those questions whilst seeking to become a member of the Australian Political Reform Club.
If you are a member of any other clubs, how did you become a member, and why did you do so?
You probably already have experience of various political disasters and other disastrous events.
But from whose perspective do you assess situations as disastrous or lustrous or merely ordinary?
What do you know about scandalous misappropriation, crystalline allotropy, and everyday experiences of appropriate and inappropriate behaviours?
How do you distinguish between politically-motivated aspersions, greed-motivated aspersions, optical dispersion and political diversions?
Who has been pitting reformers against charlatans in unseemly ways, and why?
Who has been raising funds appropriately and who has been doing so inappropriately?
Who is preparing for elections properly, and who is doing so through misappropriation?
When political candidates utter malapropisms and other expressions of confusion, how do you respond?
How do you usually assess unintended consequences and perverse incentives?
Perhaps you are wondering if there will be any unintended consequences or perverse incentives associated with your potential membership of the Australian Political Reform Club.
How do you usually assess links and other connections between cause and effect?
How do you usually examine allotropes of carbon, isotopes of carbon and the carbon cycle?
How do you usually examine the misplacement of fossilised carbon if not in terms of societal, economic and environmental displacement?
If you become a member of the club, you will gain privileged access to the Adelaidezone Digital Political Diamond.