
The Australian Political Reform Club is entirely independent.  It is not associated with any political parties in Australia or elsewhere.  Nor is it associated with any other club, or any business, or any other organisation.

Members of the Australian Political Reform Club are not simultaneously permitted to be members of the Reform, White's, Brook's, Boodles, or even the Garrick Club. 

Nor are they permitted to be members of the Carlton Club.  They may, however, be members of a sporting club of a similar name, at least if they feel obliged to do so for political reasons.

Like the Garrick, however, the Australian Political Reform Club does not permit boring persons to join.  Nor may an interesting person remain a member if subsequently inclined towards hubris or any other distasteful attitude.

Potential members of the Australian Political Reform Club are expected to be well versed in history, whether in poetry or prose or painting or operatic plots.

They are expected to know about blackballing and gentlemanly conduct.  They are expected to know how to address ladies politely, regardless of how the ladies prefer to dress.  They are expected to know about rotten and pocket boroughs.  They are expected to be well acquainted with Bennelong as a person but not necessarily as a pocket electorate.  They are expected to know about the Eora and the Kaurna. They are expected to know about the career of William Pitt the Younger.  They are expected to know all about the Reform Act of 1832.

All members of all gentlemen's clubs and all members of all other all-male organisations or mainly male organisations are banned from joining the Australian Political Reform Club.  Members of old boy networks are not permitted to join, either.

Most purported gentlemen, on further investigation, turn out to be hypocrites if not charlatans, regardless of any Carlton associations they may possess.

All members of the Australian Political Reform Club are required to be Australian citizens and normally resident in Australia.  No privileges are provided to members on the basis of gender, ancestry, sporting prowess or experiences of schooling.

The club purposefully provides no reciprocal memberships.

The following informational links are provided mainly for the benefit of prospective members of the Australian Political Reform Club.


Reform Act 1832

Reform Club




Garrick Club

Carlton Club

Carlton Football Club





William Pitt the Younger

Rotten and pocket boroughs

Gentlemen's clubs


Old boy network

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